
Down & Out
is a brand new production delving in to the forces and circumstances driving homelessness and rough sleeping.
Driven by the oft hidden aspects behind what we see on the streets of our towns and cities and based on real case histories, this is a dramatic production packing a real punch, filmed entirely on location with a professional cast by the same crew and writers behind the One Way Traffic and AfterAffects award winning movies.
Cast Gallery
Down & Out features a brilliant cast especially selected from around the country and overseas and the cast gallery is where you can get an advance view of what we believe is the best cast we have ever worked with. The cast gallery is interactive so view in its entirety or roll over images and click on individual cast members for bigger images and specific background information.
Production Stills Gallery
Production stills can also be located and viewed from the cast gallery
Down & Out launch leaflet
What is it all about? Why is this feature film being made? And where?
View the official leaflet for answers.
Down & Out OMF newsletter
Delivered to the in-boxes of cast, crew and location managers by default, the newsletter keeps those involved with production up to date with progress. There's no specific publishing frequency - we simply send out a newsletter when there's something interesting happening. If you are not actually involved with production but would still like to know what's going on then you can keep abreast of progress by signing up for the newsletter.
Down & Out Storyline
Drawn on stories from real life and actual case histories.
Down & Out project parameters
This is where we set out the technical stuff - runtime, formats & aspect, distribution, casting and other relevant details
Down & Out Cast & Crew area
Be aware that the C&C area is a restricted access area for Down & Out cast, OMF crew and those associated with the production. Password login required.