With a screenplay based on real case histories, Down & Out follows three victims as they struggle with what life has thrown at them and become homeless rough sleepers. In this gritty and dynamic feature there are arguments a plenty, evictions, a death and a rape, yet surprising sentimentality.

Released from prison after being exonerated for a crime he had not committed, Adam had nowhere to live so ended up sleeping rough. We catch up with him after two years on the streets. With no job, no income and nowhere to live he has become despondent. Introduced to drugs as a way to drown out his sorrows, Adam takes his own life.

Molly had a privileged early life which, financed by her father was one long round of parties, fun and expensive cars. She has never had a job. When her father died her allowance stopped and she ended up in a shabby damp bedsit. After asking for leaks to be repaired she is evicted on a section 21 and ends up sleeping under the pier where she is raped. A couple chase the rapist off and call the police, Molly is taken to a hospital for tests so that a prosecution can be made . The hospital refer her to the Whitechapel Centre who then send her to Light for Life .

Tom is a successful guy living an enviable lifestyle with a lovely wife, nice house and an expensive car. But he is living above his means and debts are mounting. As a result of Covid-19 cutbacks he loses his job and the crunch comes when a repossession order is delivered on his house. His wife walks out and he is evicted. Tom is too proud to ask for help so ends up living rough. Subsequently Tom goes to the Salvation Army for a warm drink and is supported with a shower, a change of clothes and a session with Employment Plus. As a result he lands a job which then enables him to get a flat. Down the line he gets back with his wife but their lifestyle is more realistic and within their means.